Saturday, December 24, 2011

Killer Christmas Fudge

Heaven in a pan
At Crafty Bitch Headquarters, it wouldn't be Christmas without the fudge.  The awesome, killer, Hershey's chocolatey fudge that mom has made every year for as long as I can remember.  Sounds good, doesn't it?

This recipe was passed down from dad's side of the family to my mom by my grandmother.

I have no idea if I'm going to disappear for leaking it to the Internet, but it's just too good not to share!

Grandma Patchen's Killer Christmas Fudge

4 cups granulated sugar
1 large can Carnation evaporated milk

Set aside:
2 large (the HUGE ones, 8oz) Hershey's milk chocolate bars (broken apart)
1 pint or 2 cups marshmallow cream fluff (14-16oz jar)
2 cups chopped walnuts
1 12oz package chocolate chips
2 sticks oleo
2 teaspoons vanilla

Boil sugar and evaporated milk together, stirring constantly at a rolling boil for 6 minutes or until mixture reaches soft ball stage. (mixture forms a ball when dropped into cold water)

Pour hot mixture over candy mixture and beat like hell until smooth texture.

Pour into greased 9x13 pan, cool, and then refrigerate.

Once set, cut into squares and enjoy.  Keep refrigerated.

Mom only made a half batch, as you can see, but it turned out as killer as usual.